Open Workshop “AI in Energy”

We organized a workshop on “AI in Energy” in the context of MALENA Project!

We would like to thank all the speakers as well as the workshop participants who contributed to the success of this event!
🔹 Five interesting talks were given by project partners (Prof. Anastasios Tefas and Dr. Maria Tzelepi from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Prof. Grigorios Tsoumakas from Medoid AI, Apostolos Adamakos from PPC S.A.)
🔹Four invited talks were given by Prof. Georgios Andreou (AUTH), Prof. Stelios Krinidis (International Hellenic University), Iraklis Skoteinos from PPC S.A., Dr. Dimitrios I. Doukas (NET2GRID) and Dr. Vassilis Nikolopoulos (MYTILINEOS S.A.)

The presentations are available here:

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